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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Global recession is here; Stocks for September 16th: RIMM, NFLX, DMND, GLD

As expected RIMM will be atleast 20% down at the opening. NFLX will be again down by 3% . 
The stocks expected to open low are RIMM, DIOD, AGP, CBE.
The stocks expected to open higher are DMND.

The FOMC meeting is on next Tuesday and tomorrow is last day of option expiration. Its time to adjust position. Greece may just have saved themselves from default. But there is nothing which can keep them float. The economy is shrinking throughout the world. Its Global recession here. The market is heading for big crash after earnings session. A short term fix like providing liquidity isnt going to help as the demand has slowed down.
Buy puts on SPY, DIA, RIMM, NFLX for October. GLd is good option to buy if GOLD is at $1760.

Check TZA and TNA to find bear are up or bulls are up. The market is behaving exactly like September 2008 and infact its worse then that.
Right now cash is king. Remember instead of loosing money and getting stuck in the stocks it better to wait for a while and have little less profit and taking risk.

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