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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Joke of the day EU Deal reached with No details: Follow the market

Today as expected GLD was up by almost 2%, VXX opened low and went up 5% before pulling back. Even if someone had bought VXX yesterday, the stock was up by 2%. If you want to play with this market you have to constantly look for opportunity and keep cash in hand to take full advantage. There is no harm in selling as soon as you make profit. This is funny that a deal is reached the bondholder of Greek will take 50% haircut or even if China is willing to help.

Ask the bondholder first if they are willing to take 50% loss ? Ask the China or Brazil first if they are willing to help ? They make all the statement based on hope that China and Brazil or even Russia or India will help ?
Another issue is EU has asked bank to capitalize at 9% by next June at the same time banks have to take 50% loss. How can this work ? Since bank will take 50% loss this time but why will anyone invest in Greece in future ?

Anyways follow the market, if they are rallying buy SPY, DIA, TNA if it is upside and if there is pullback then buy put on SPY, DIA or buy TZA. Don't hold on yourself thinking whats right or wrong. Just follow the the market.
Wait for tomorrow US GDP. The expectation is 2.5% which is again too high and likely to fall.

The deal was reached after Bank were persuaded take 50% haircut or let Greece default. Now the game is on as Italy, Spain or Portugal will ask for haircut.

First thing to do when the market open is wait for 30 minutes and then short the market.

Sell EUR/USD at 1.410 and above wait for the rally to go ahead.

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