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Monday, November 14, 2011

Stocks for Nov 15th: POT, PRVT, VXX, TZA

There are lots of economic data coming out with Euro zone recession fear still hanging. The big event will begin at 2 am EST, when Euro zone GDP will be announced. Market is expecting 0.5% which will be bullish sign, while 0.3% will be bearish sign. Last quarter it was 0.1%

US PPI is coming out at 8.30 EST and it is expected  -0.2%

Retail sales is expected at 8.30 EST, 0.2% or higher is bullish sign and any number lower is a bearish sign.

Empire state manufacturing survey is at 8.30 EST, any number 0 or higher is bullish sign, any number in negative is bearish sign.

Business inventories at 10 EST, 0.2% is bullish sign, any number higher then this is bearish sign.

The other thing to keep in mind is Greece PM will be proposing his first austerity plan followed by confidence vote on Wednesday. Greece PM might face some tough opposition followed by Greece people protesting on the street.

Monti will be tested in the Parliament on Friday to seek vote of confidence to officially become the PM of Italy.

Italy Govt bond yield is rising again and presently at 6.71 and the market will sell off again if it hits 7. Click below to check the latest

Appl is down as expected and its likely to fall more. Goog is still high and i think at this level it can be shorted.

I still think market will be flat to downside unless the Europe GDP comes at 0.5% or higher and then we might see upside rally.

----------------------------------  Good Luck -----------------------------------------------------

I am not recommending it to buy or sell the stocks listed below under $10, but you can check this risky stocks for quick profit. If you get it right you can make quick money or loss your money if you get it wrong.

PRVT fell 54% today.
DPTR was down another 6%
ALIM was down 18%
PSDV fell 29%

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