Top alert for 2014: MYGN (50%), LIVE (45%), CTIC (115%), KOOL (88%), PZG (32%), GOLD (6%), IOC (6%), RSOL(18%), PLUG (70%), IMMU (26%)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Stocks for Nov 28th - Dec 1st: BAC, MS, TNA, ERX, FAS, POT, AMZN

As I said in my last article

First thing to check in the morning is how is FTSE trading. and where is Italian bond yield,  and followed by EUR/USD

 Eur/Usd is at 1.3385, FTSE is up by 2.8% and Italian bond is at 7.15. As long as Eur/Usd is showing strength, that is a bullish sign. 

Since many of the trader on wall street might have missed out the rally, there will be now lot of chatter on the news channel to sell the bank stocks. Turn off your news channel and keep FTSE in mind how its trading.

Gas prices is likely to go higher from here as thanksgiving is over. 
This is again a big week with lots of economic data coming out especially Friday is big day for US.

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