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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stocks for Nov 8th: DYN, BCRX, SQNM, TRGT, XIDE

There is a new trend in this market. SYMG filed for bankruptcy and the stock rallied up by 26% in one day. Followed by another rally by 7% before pulling back. DYN filed for bankruptcy yesterday. Today the stock is expected to open by 28%. This shows how the market is behaving. The market is looking attractive with small rally everyday, but it can be deceptive. But there is no harm in playing with this kind of market on daily basis. Don't hold any stock for long time, move out if you make profit between 3-5% and then wait for the news.

TRGT is expected to open low by 58%, XIDE is expected to open low by 20%. DYN, BCRX, SQNM is expected to open higher. Voting in Italy is expected to begin at 9.30 EST and Greece new PM is expected to be named around 11 EST. Keep both this event in mind there is no economic data today.

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