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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stocks for Nov 9th: GMCR, NBIX, FAZ, TZA, DRV

Today the Italian Bond yield rose to 7.47 As long as its above 7, the risk is very high for Italy as well as Global stock market.

[   (Real time quote)
ECB bought Italian bond for 275B , bringing the yield under $7. If it rises again, to or near 7, then buy TZA and FAZ. You can also average FAZ, TZA, DRV, incase if you were in loses in this stocks.(New addition). Current price is at 6.82]

Thing to look out tomorrow are

New Greece PM is expected  to be named at 3 am EST (Very small bullish sign)

BOE at 7.00 EST (Nothing expected)

Jobless claim 8.30 EST  ( Very small bullish sign in bearish market if it falls below 400k, and big bearish sign if its rises above 410k)

Treasury budget at 2 pm EST.

Tomorrow GMCR and NBIX is expected to open low by 30% and 45%  respectively.

I am still very bearish for this market till Nov 23rd which is the last date for super committee to have a mutual agreement.

Goog is still hanging at $ 600 and AAPl at $395, if both falls below $575 and $ 375 respectively, then there could be drastically big sell off in the market. If both of this stock had participated in today sell off, DJI could have been lower by atleast 550-600 point today even though both trade on Nasdaq.

 Keep Goog and Aapl in your watchlist for tomorrow and check how bearish or bullish both of this stock is behaving.

***** Remember don't buy any individual stocks till Nov 23rd. There are lots of opportunity in this market so wait till then play with ETF as of now. *****

I am making 52 week low stocks list again and will post it after Nov 23rd or outcome of Super committee result. Last time all the stock from 52 week performed really well

As per my calculation if the sell off continues DJI could fall below 10k mark this time

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