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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stocks for Dec 2nd: TXI, VXX, XLB, YANG, MITL; China emerging as new problem

Today was just a flat day, after 490 points rally, which is a good sign for bullish stock. Also Italian bond yield is back to 6.65 (Safe zone) and Eur/Usd is holding at 1.346

Now Dec 9th is very critical. It could be the make or break day for Euro. I am not hopeful from the EU summit. They meet every month and deliver only speech and do nothing. The 5 central bank has given some lifeline to Europe, but it doesn't mean all the problem is solved.  I think its better to take some break and wait for the right direction before making new investment.

Tomorrow Job report is very critical coming out at 8.30 EST
Non farm payroll  131k or higher is bullish sign while lower would be bearish sign. **** very imp
Unemployment rate 9.0% or lower is bullish sign while 9.1% will be bearish sign.
Avg. Workweek 34.3 hrs would be bullish sign  while lower will be bearish sign.
Private payroll 150k or higher is very bullish sign while lower is bearish sign.  *** imp

I think China could be next big problem for the market and combination with Europe problem, it could be disastrous. I know its frustrating to see so many problems with so many countries, but its a Global problem now.

US data came out strong this month because of the holiday season. US problem will emerge starting Feb when the layoff will starts after the holiday season is over and sales will go down. Till then focus only on Europe and China.

I think since China will have some problem, material sector will be under pressure especially copper, steel and coal.

Also you can check YANG (China bear ETF) and buy some puts in XLB
Stocks likely to open high are MITL, BMTI, TXI
Stocks likely to open lower are VIAB,  ANGI, EEP

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