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Friday, December 2, 2011

Very important week for Euro: Bank stocks have rallied as predicted

First of all a special thanks to Chinni for contributing toward the running cost of this site. Thank you for being an important member of this site. I wish your business continued growth and prosperity in the months and years ahead.

Once again as predicted in the Nov 29th article; Bank stocks at 52 week low are all up between 7 to 19%

BAC @ 5.08      Now at 5.64  up by 11 %
MS @ 13.31      Now at 15.52 up by 17 %
GS @ 88.70       Now at 97.25 up by 10 %
JPM @ 28.56    Now at  32.33 up by 13 %
BCS @10.52     Now at  11.86 up by 13 %
WFC @ 24.08  Now at  26.07 up by 10 %
DB @ 35.54     Now at  40 up by 13  %
FAS @ 52.71 (Safest out of all)     Now at  62.78 up by 19 %
LYG @ 1.42     Now at  1.52 up by 7 %
IRE @ 4.53       Now at  4.83 up by 7 %
STT @ 36.69 (Only stock not downgraded by S&P rating today)    Now at  39.98 up by 9 %

All this stocks were even higher by 3-9% before close of today's market.

Next week is very important for the Global stock market. Except China all the countries participated in huge rally.

On Monday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting French President Nicolas Sarkozy to discuss about  EFSF plan and the way European institution can intervene in national budget. (I think smaller countries might not agree with it. They will need another 15 countries to agree on the intervention program, Stock market will like it but common people might come on the street)
Italian PM Monti is submitting economic plan to the parliament on Monday.

Bank of Canada will announce about interest rates on Tuesday.

***Wednesday Greece parliament needs to budget cut to avoid default.
** Thrusday Bank of England and ECB will decide on rate cut.  EU summit begins in Brussel
* Friday Conclusion of EU summit.

Next meeting is in March 2012. Market may not give Europe that much time and that's why US treasury secretary is in Europe.

You can check live coverage of Eu summit  @

During last EU summit market had low expectation and it was at the bottom, so it rallied up 1500 point. This time market is up on high expectation and it has already rallied up by 1000 points.
A disappointment would take the market down to its low of October 2011 while a positive news can take market up to highs of July 2011. 

Keep cash in hand to take advantage of any rally upside or downside.

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