Top alert for 2014: MYGN (50%), LIVE (45%), CTIC (115%), KOOL (88%), PZG (32%), GOLD (6%), IOC (6%), RSOL(18%), PLUG (70%), IMMU (26%)

Monday, September 29, 2014

20 minutes of day trade for Sept 29th: TXTR, ANET, CVEO, RADA, TNXP

After Hour Earning: (Wait till earning is out, don't gamble)

JRJC (implied earning move of 12%), ADAT (implied earning move of 6%), CTAS (implied earning move of 3%), SNX (implied earning move of 15%)

All Closed position:

TXTR Long @ 24.20 and out at 24.67

21.75, 23.3, 24.32, 25.9 levels are to watch for bounce on TXTR

Shorted ANET @ 90.06

TNXP long at $6.38 closed at $8.23

Trade what you see:
TNXP Day Trade Chart

2nd RADA long at 2.98, closed at 3.24

1st: RADA long at $2.98, closed at $3.07

1st long CVEO @14.75 out at 14.90

2nd CVEO Long  @13.56 closed 13.93

1 comment:

Kerstin said...

Awesome post! Thanks for the effort to share this information here. land clearing

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